Radoslava Semanová, Mgr.

totalitarian power, identity, socialism, subcultures

e-mail: radoslava.semanova@savba.sk
tel.: 02-5296 4707, ext. 108

Education: Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Prešov, Department for the Study of Religions, Prešov 2011, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Department for the Study of Religions, Brno 2014
Qualifications, scientific and honorary titles obtained: Bc. (2011), Mgr. (2014)
Languages: English
Employed at the Institute since: 2015


Resarch projects

Family histories. Intergenerational Transfer of Representation of Political and Social Changes. Number of project: VEGA 2/0086/14. Project leader:  PhDr. Monika Vrzgulová, CSc.