Jews in Slovakia After the Year 1945: A Community Between Belief and Reality

SALNER, Peter. Židia na Slovensku po roku 1945: Komunita medzi vierou a realitou [Jews in Slovakia After the Year 1945: A Community Between Belief and Reality]. Bratislava: Institute of Ethnology SAS, VEDA, 2016. 215 pp. Ethnological Studies no. 24. ISBN 978-80-224-1510. 

A publication, which uncovers new and intriguing information from the field of Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia after the WW2.
The author has based his research on previously unpublished data from archives of the General Association of the Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia, which provide a unique source of information about its internal organization and functioning. These data also explain effort of some Slovak municipalities to preserve Jewish cultural heritage and way of life. Finally, as an insider, the author also gives his own personal insight into the life of Slovak Jewish community. 

