Forms of anti-Semitism in Czechia and Slovakia in the 20th and 21st centuries.

VRZGULOVÁ, Monika - KUBÁTOVá, Hana et al. Podoby antisemitizmu v Čechách a na Slovensku v 20. a 21. storočí. Praha: Karlova univerzita, Karolinum, 2016. 239 p. ISBN 978-80-246-3461-6.

The publication brings texts of Czech and Slovak experts who bring their views and answers to the questions of what forms and manifestations anti-Semitism had and still has today, which determines and influences them. They analyze discursive and visual forms of the image of a Jew in Czech and Slovak society, which point to the fact that in creating the content of the term Jew, understanding who is a Jew. How it is associated with a common sharing of the feeling "we" that separates "us" from those " others ’. It is a story of identifying with who we are, or more accurately, who we would like to be.