Family histories. Intergenerational Transfer of Representation of Political and Social Changes

VEGA project

Rodinné histórie. Medzigeneračný prenos reprezentácii politických a sociálnych zmien

Coordinating institution: Institute of Ethnology SAS

Project coordinator: PhDr. Monika Vrzgulová, CSc.

Project no.: VEGA 2/0086/14

Duration of the project: 2014 – 2017

Project results (assorted):
Podoby antisemitizmu v Čechách a na Slovensku v 20. a 21. storočí (international conference), 20. -21.11. 2014, Bratislava. 

VOĽANSKÁ, Ľ. Ageing and Ageism in Slovakia. Organizer: COST Action IS 1402 meeting - Ageism - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective, Working group V. – Internalised Ageism, Dublin, 27.-28.4.2015. 

VOĽANSKÁ, Ľ. Scientific paper at the Working group V – Internalised Ageism, Organizer: COST Action IS 1402 Ageism - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective. Berlin, Germany, 10.-11.9.2015.