Salner, P. ed.: Ťažké časy: Roky 1938-1945 v aktuálnom spoločenskom diskurze. 1 vyd. Bratislava : Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, Marenčin PT, spol. s r. o.. 2020. pp. 128. ISBN 978-80-569-0673-6.
The book Difficult Times (1938 - 1945 in the current social discourse), brings three different perspectives on historical roots and nowadays reflections on the wartime Slovak state and the Holocaust in Slovakia.
It contributes to a deeper understanding of Slovakia's recent past and its transitions into the present. At the same time, the findings confirm that, despite the time lag, the approaching departure of the last witnesses of the time, and the available historical facts, this regime remains a current problem of our time for three-quarters of a century after its demise.
Editor: Peter Salner
Autori: Daniel Luther, Soňa G. Lutherová, Zuzana Panczová